admin 20. februára 2022 Výstava Maďarsko Takto dopadla naša prvá výstava V ROKU 2022 MaďarskO od 17.2 do 19.2. 2022 Salyja de la BenjaminNew Junior Champion of Hungary17.2.judge:Oliver SimonExc.,1,Cajc18.2.judge Lakatos IstvanExc.,1,Cajc19.2.judge:Gerhard Pollinger-SorreExc.,1,Cajc ,BOJ Uhrania das Terras de AtómunNew Junior Champion of Hungary17.2.judge:Oliver SimonExc.,1,Cajc18.2.judge Lakatos IstvanExc.,1,Cajc19.2.judge:Gerhard Pollinger-SorreExc.,1,Cajc Prince of Austria Great Stars Team 17.2. Champion Class Exc.,1,Cac Best of European Great Stars 17.2.judge:Oliver Simon Exc.,1,res.Cac,res.Cacib 18.2.judge Lakatos Istvan Exc.,1,CaC 19.2.judge:Gerhard Pollinger-Sorre Exc.,1,Cac,res.,Cacib Nezaradené